

Drone in A - Cello Sound (6 min)

Cello Drone on A

Indian Tanpura in A (15min)

Vocal Folds in action.

This video link shows the interior of the larynx in action during vocalisation (The folds themselves are clearly covered with mucus and you are seeing the inside of the larynx so if you are squeamish you might prefer not to watch) but cannot be embedded and is only available to watch on YouTube. The point of view is as if you are looking down from above with the front of the persons neck at the bottom of the screen and the back of the persons neck at the top of the screen. Notice how the folds are not movable at the front but open and close from the back. This video actually shows a total of 4 modes of vibration from M0 to M3. I leave the choice to watch or not to your own discretion.

Diaphragm in action